As children, we walked around saying “sticks and stones may break
my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But as we grew up, we realized that
the sticks and stones actually don’t hurt as much as a simple word does.
Everything we say or do it’s like we need approval from someone, anyone, just
to feel excepted.
Our society has turned to sarcasm for humor, because nothing
is more funny then telling the skinny girl she’s fat, or the pretty girl she’s
ugly, or the talented girl she can’t do anything right, or the star quarterback
that his team doesn't need him, or calling the homosexual boy a faggot. After a
few of these “jokes”, you actually start to believe you’re ugly or fat or
anything else anyone has ever called you. Even though they think the exact
opposite of you. They think it’s okay to “joke” with you, they think it’s okay
to be rude and disrespectful. Even if it hurts you laugh, because you don’t
want them to think you’re weak; you don’t want them to know how much it really
hurts you. It’s just easier that way right? It’s easier to just pretend. But if
you act like it’s okay, they’ll keep calling you names. Don’t be afraid to call
them out! They’re hurting you but they don’t realize that; they can’t fathom
you having feelings because you always laugh; you always pretend it’s okay.
If you’re one of those people who makes sarcastic rude
remarks to people you care about; stop. More times than not, they hate it; they
hate the things you call them because they feel like you don’t care, or they
cherish your opinion so much that they believe you. Have you ever told that
person how much you truly care about them? Or that anything you say is in a
joking manor? Maybe you have, but that still doesn't make it okay. Do you
realize that you could be breaking their poor soul?
Yeah, maybe that girl you call a slut does sleep around. But have
you ever wondered why she does what she does? Maybe she started sleeping around
because you called her a slut. Yes I know that’s not always the case, but that
still doesn't make it right. How would you feel if someone just called you out
on something you’re insecure about? It hurts, words do hurt. And the sooner we
all realize that, the sooner we can all be happier.
Why is it okay? Why is knowing you’re calling them something rude
funny? How is that funny? You have no idea what they’re going through, so stop.
What if you’re the one that pushes them over the edge? One simple word, that’s
all it can take. One simple word could end a life.