Tuesday, February 4, 2014


            “I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” 
Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

Isn’t it odd that a simple little smile can brighten not only someone’s day but yours as well? Most of the time we just walk down the hall or through the office with a blank face, caught up in our own troubles or thoughts. We never really realize how that blank face we always walk around wearing can affect not only others emotions, but ours as well.
            A recent study in Sweden showed, that if someone around you was smiling, the people with blank expressions couldn’t help but to smile, even if they didn’t want to. This is because, like yawning, smiling is contagious. Smiling can also make you a happier, healthier person. Forcing yourself to smile can not only improve your mood, but relax your body as well, helping your immune system become stronger.
            According to a study done by Orbit Complete, 69% of people find women more attractive with a smile on their face, instead of make-up. This I find interesting, because as women, we think we need to cake on make-up to look good, but when in reality, all we have to do is smile!
            A smile isn’t just something for girls that are a size zero either, smiling is for everyone, no matter who you are, or where you’re from, you’ll always look better with a smile. (Note- this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear clothes).
            When you smile, people look at you differently, they will see a happier more successful person, and that’s how we all want to present ourselves right? If you smile, you give people less room to judge you, they can’t say you look sad or angry at the world, they’ll think you are confident in your appearance, making you seem more successful.
            Smiling is extremely important to the human race, without smiling we would never know when someone is happy unless they told us, then it would just be weird because they wouldn’t look happy; we would no idea if someone liked us; we would just feel like were being silently judged by others around us, and that’s how most of us feel now. We just stare at the ground trying not to make eye contact because it makes us uncomfortable, but there is a simple solution, just smile.