Thursday, October 24, 2013


Lazy- adjective,

1)      Averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent

2)      Causing idleness or indolence

3)      Slow-moving; sluggish

4)      High school students


We’ve all been called lazy; by our teachers, our family members, or even our friends. High school students are known for being lazy. Everyone says teen agers are lazy. This doesn’t make sense to me, mainly because, as high school students, we- for the most part- have jobs on top of school and homework. So naturally when we school or our part-time job at McDonalds, we just want to relax for a bit.


We go to school five days a week for seven hours each day. That’s basically a full time job! If you didn’t get paid for the job you do would you want to do it? Chances are you would say no. no one wants to do work, especially if you’re not getting paid for it.


I understand that our education is important. I get that we need to work hard now in order to do well in the future. I also think its ok to be a little bit lazy sometimes. We can’t go and go and go all the time. The human body just isn’t made to do that. Maybe we do over sleep, but is that because we’re lazy, or is it because we stayed up until midnight doing our homework?


  1. I have to agree with you because we do, do at least 10 hours of school work, not including extra curricular, jobs, and social lives. For the most part teenagers never stop moving, and as soon as we do, we get our butts chewed out for being lazy and never doing what we are supposed to do. I also think that there are teenagers who are just plain lazy and don't do any of the work required to make it, and those are the teenagers that give us the bad reputation. But do you think that there is any way that we can improve out images and prove to be "non-lazy"?

  2. I completely agree, a lot of times our parents and teachers don't take the time to actually think about all the things we do. They just call us lazy without putting in extra thought into it. Many of us call others name and don't think about all the truth in that. Often times I even think that us teenagers do more work and have a lot more pressure on us to be better people and do our best in the world. As soon as we start slacking we get yelled at and blamed for everything and get called lazy, without them considering all the other times where we actually did all our work and did our best effort. We get yelled at for just messing up once when nobody yells at them when they mess up a lot because their adults, they can do what they want. It just doesn't seem fair at all.
